Sunday, December 14, 2008

Nature of Us - Filming success

Yesterday's filming was great! Jeromy arrived before 7am to setup. Michelle DuBos, arrived shortly thereafter and was an excellent assistant. I enjoyed the collaborative spirit. It was a joy to dance with Tom again. This was an absolutely delightful experience. Editing will take place the first week in January. I'm looking forward to the final product! I will post clips as I get a chance.

Friday, December 12, 2008

The Nature of Us - Filming

Last full rehearsal is tonight. Filming starts tomorrow morning (12/13) as the sun comes up. It's gonna be chilly out there! Fun stuff! Really - I mean it - fun. Editting will begin the first week in January. The project will be complete before I know. :-)

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Duet rehearsals for April show - For Victoria

Here are some rehearsal snippets of the duets that Megan Durell and Michelle DuBos are working on.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

The Nature of Us - Section 4 - 8 Storyboard

Here're the last half of stills and notes, sans music. I'm printing the stills and adding figures. Video will follow.

Friday, December 5, 2008