Sunday, February 19, 2012

Stream of Faces

The following is a quick video I made for my own rehearsal process. These wonderful women are providing me with facial gestures that I will incorporate into my solo that deals with the interstitial space between four distinct groups of women. Music is by Gustavo Santaolalla, however, the audio during the performance will most likely be the audio from interviews with these women.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Some Inspiration

I actually got a lot done today including (but not limited to) sweating in Abby's class, returning emails, responding to discussion posts from my students, meeting with Fiona to discuss production issues for our show (which is quickly approaching), hacksawing parts off the Keystone projector, brainstorming more fabrication ideas with David, putting the helmet cam on skaters at derby practice, rounding up OHRG merchandise for easyriders (we're the "rock-em-sock-em Women's Roller Derby action they're referring to in their sound-bite), gearing up for our first OHRG home bout of the season (which is THIS SATURDAY!) and finding some new inspiration from this video:

Monday, February 6, 2012

Getting back to Projectors

Now that I can let my website rest for a bit (although I haven't finished the phone app yet), I'm back to the projectors. It's time to work in Jitter. To the left is a simple patch, although it took me forever to get the right hi (human interface) element correct. It was simpler than my mind wanted to make it tonight. In any case, the scrolling mechanism is working through Jitter. Next thing I need to do is tweak the video a bit so it projects at the correct size and ratio.

I think I'll get some sleep though before starting the next phase. Tomorrow is a full day of reconstructing the second projector and  getting the videos for the first projector tweaked for a demo. These projectors and the videos going through them need to be done this week!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Website Re-design

This is what my website looked like before the redesign. This is what it looks like now:

There's probably more tweaks, but I had to finally push it through or I would linger on it forever. The navigation might make some people pause a little bit, but I've really been into making people stop and take a look at their own process of viewing things these days, so it makes sense to me.

Next, I'll make a smartphone version.