Winter Quarter was pretty intense. I feel like I should summarize it, but Spring Quarter is beginning TOMORROW! No time to sit around here and reflect. Hopefully I'll have time this summer to go over my first year in graduate school. Spring Break wasn't incredibly noteworthy except for a few things. 1) I visited Easthaven Elementary to prepare for an upcoming workshop (which I guess is kind of exciting because I'm looking forward to it). 2) David's friend, Chuck, came to visit a few days. 3) I finally finished the guest bedroom windows and I'm happy about it. Here's a pic:

Tomorrow I start the following schedule (more or less):
10:30 - noon Modern Technique
12:30 - 4:30 Work at the Wex
5:00-8:00 Theories of the Body
8:45 - 10:15 Teaching Seminar
10:30 - 2:30 Work at the Wex
3:00 - 5:00 Media in Performance
6:30 - 9:00 Rehearsals
10:30 - noon Modern Technique
12:30 - 5:30 Work at the Wex
8:45 - 10:15 Teaching Seminar
10:30 - 2:30 Work at the Wex
3:00 - 5:00 Media in Performance
4:30 - 6:00 Production class for Spring Concert
1-3 Rehearsal for solos
Wish me luck!