Saturday, November 20, 2010

Skatemare Before Christmas is Today!

My first public scrimmage is today! It's interleague, meaning that we split our league into two teams and play each other. It's the Roller Ghouls vs the Jingle Bells. We have to create skate names for this particular bout. Mine is LaRue Morgue (based on the short story by Edgar Allan Poe). Here are some preliminary costume pics. More pictures and video to follow.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

In Rehearsal with Woody

In rehearsal with Woody circa 1993. Sometimes it just helps me to look at this picture.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Yeah For an Extra Hour

What a great weekend! I spent most of it at home working on Maree ReMalia's website for her MFA project. While I'm excited by the possibilities of future animations for the site, I'm really happy with the current state of the design right now - simple. A nice clean design makes me smile. I'll post the web address when it's ready. The logo was designed by Michael Morris.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Reality of Being a Grad Student

There are so many wonderful opportunities at this big university and in Columbus. I have fallen in love with roller derby. The fact of the matter though is that grad school requires a lot of time - that really goes without saying. Tonight, instead of going to derby practice I'm working on a video project for my editing class (albeit the video is about roller derby) and hopefully getting some sleep tonight. I'm exhausted!

I also have an animation project coming up. Below is a short animation that I'm building on: