Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Converge - Motor Dance Fundraiser

We're a week and a half away from the fundraiser. I'm pretty excited about how things are shaping up and how people are coming together to make this a cool event. This Saturday we will hang the artwork after rehearsal. I'm excited to see everyone's work up on the walls. I'm also looking forward to seeing this all in action. I'm pleased that we'll be starting off the show with The Mustn'ts to get us all in a cool mood. Arianna will be our MC-extraordinaire and the Morning Glory yogis will lead us in a Sun Salutation followed by some really cool yoga demos. Good stuff! Motor will perform a "somewhat" re-worked version of "Notes on Life", Real Women Dancing will perform a duet version of "At the Kitchen Table", Jennifer Micallef will wow us with her improvisational solo and Motor will return to premiere the first section of "Don't Hold Your Breath" (sans the projections). We'll wrap up the show with the Fishbowl Soldiers - Jennifer and I executing on-the-spot reactions to words that the audience places in a fishbow. FUN! Other musicians include Lee and Javier accompanying the yoga demonstrations and Russ Havard serenading us as we conclude the event. I can't wait!


racingyogagirl said...

I know it's going to be great! I wish we could be there but this will be the last marching contest. I will be anxious to hear all about it next week!

Anonymous said...

Hey! Is there anyway you could or are filming the dances so i can see how they are??