Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Luc Tuymans and school

Today I had the honor of going on a tour of the much anticipated Luc Tuymans exhibit at the Wexner Center during the Docent Training. Docent Training is part of the Education Department, which I am also a part as the G.A.A. for Youth and Family Programs. Helen Molesworth, co-curator of the show, conducted the tour and as a wonderful surprise, Luc Tuymans himself came towards the end of the tour to speak of his art himself. How incredible to get information first hand! Please check out the video at the following link for more information. The show opens tomorrow to Wexner members and then officially to the general public on Thursday. http://www.wexarts.org/ex/index.php?eventid=4043. His work makes me excited for contemporary art all over again and I cannot wait to see how simply being surrounded by art constantly at the Wexner Center will shape my own choreography and how I choose to present it. I'm excited!

Other news - Teacher Workshops at the Dance Department start Thursday, Sept. 17th. School starts Sept. 23rd. I can hardly contain myself! I hope to finish up organizing and furnishing the house and completing some web projects this weekend! Lots going on! Eventually I will revisit video footage and complete that project too. Ooooh. And did I mention that I have a Halloween Experience in mind? Hmmm. I wonder what all will get "done."


racingyogagirl said...

So excited for you to be in this creative environment! I have a friend who paints & does ceramics. She will post a thought on facebook and see what responses she gets to give her ideas for her pieces. It has been interesting to see how it has transferred to her work. I can see this same situation for you being surrounded by all this creative stimulation! Can't wait to see where it takes you!

Unknown said...

WOW! Who would have thought that being offered the position at the Wex was going to afford you so many opportunities for stimulation? This is awesome...so happy for you. Know you can't wait to get started and am looking forward to your progress. Go into your attack mode and have a blast!