Friday, February 12, 2010

Merce Cunningham Legacy Tour Kicks-off Tonight!

Right now I'm biding my time until the Pre-Performance talk before Merce Cunningham's company takes the stage at Mershon Auditorium.  I can't wait to listen to Karen Elliot and David Covey speak about their experiences working with Cunningham.  I am constantly in awe that I attend a school who have faculty such as these.  The lives they have lived, my goodness!  And I get to learn from them?!  I can't believe how fortunate I am.

Oh, and I'm really excited to see Cunningham's company too.  I'm a little bummed that I missed the master class - the sign up came and went before I ever knew it was offered.  I enjoyed hearing from those who did take the class though - I only heard positive things from them. I'm always surprised that not more dancers have taken his technique.  It makes me think I've been around longer than I realize.

On days like today, with Cunningham's influence so near, I really miss Kate Warren.  But that's another story.

Now - off to the show!

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