Monday, March 29, 2010

Spring Quarter 2010 and YoBB

"The tragedy of life is not death rather it is what we allow to die within us while we live." - Norman Cousins

Today I start classes for Spring Quarter. I also continue what I like to call YoBB, which is short for: yoga, breakfast, blogging. I hope to be able to keep this up every Monday and Wednesday before I head out to classes. Last quarter I tried to find a semi-daily physical practice. But, as there is no "try," only "do" - I wasn't doing very well.

Back to Donna Farhi's wise words I go.

"Of the nine obstacles to the yogic path listed in the Yoga-Sutra, four can be attributed in some way to the effects of dullness, laziness, and inertia. Sloth makes it almost impossible to establish a firm ground for practice, and even if we are able to do so, sloth may prevent us from sustaining any ground we have gained. Most of us have a sense of what's good for us. This knowledge of the medicine we need bypasses the central dilemma: How are we going to get to the medicine cabinet?"

Yesterday, on my last day of Spring Break, I charted this idea of starting at least two days a week with yoga, breakfast and following it up with blogging. After going through my practice yesterday, I realized it was much like finally having food for my body after being hungry for a long time. I had a great day yesterday, partly because of my attitude, but largely because I took care of myself. So, my way to the medicine cabinet will be to change my priorities - GET 8 HOURS of sleep, attend to my needs in the morning, give David a kiss as I leave the house, then give OSU all I can offer.

Twyla Tharp suggests that forming a ritual is essential to the creative process. (Check out her book, The Creative Habit.) I think it's imperative to changing my lifestyle, not just for grad school but for myself.

It's 9:15. Time to pack a lunch and head out to school. Till next time....


racingyogagirl said...

Try focusing your yoga practice on each level of the chakras. One day work on poses for root, the next time do sacral, etc... You will be amazed how this will affect your day afterwards! If you need suggestions of poses let me know!

RashanaWorks said...

Thanks Lisa! I'm sure you'll hear from me soon!