Monday, April 19, 2010

Methinks I Had a Weekend

It's going on 1am, but I'm not my usually dogged-self at this hour. I had a pretty good weekend. I actually spent time with David! Aside from a few hours at Sullivant Hall for rehearsal Saturday, I hung out with my husband - go figure. It was a welcomed change.

Today I got some work done in preparation for the week. I still have a lot more to do, but I'm having faith that I'll find time for everything important. (I'm learning that NOT everything is important. I'm picking my own personal battles in other words.)

Here's the video I worked on today for the Media in Performance class.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Both videos are interesting. You are really getting "into it." I enjoyed my time with the video companies, so if you're enjoying your time as much, then you're hooked!