Home life is very precious now. More than ever. There's not much time for it. After 12 and 13 hour days, I treasure coming home to David and being comfortable in the home we're making in Columbus. We finally bought a couple of chairs. One in the bedroom is a reading chair for David. It sits by the bed. As he finally gets sleepy enough, he can take one step to the bed and fall asleep.
While unpacking and shifting things around, I came across a box full of dolls from my childhood. Some dolls are going to see a transformation for Halloween (I hope), but other stuffed favorites will remain with me. This polka dotted cat was a favorite of mine for years. A dear friend of the family made it for me when I was a toddler. I can't imagine what I must have done to deserve such a cool gift. Sometimes moving is good for discovering old gems and memories.
Aren't you so thankful to have a calm, peaceful place to come home to after the hustle & bustle of the day! You have a gift of being able to make a house feel very homey. I love the fabric on the chair and David's tank looks great, as always! It gave your Henderson house such a peaceful feeling too! The cat is too cute!
Happy to see the posts. What quilt do you have on the bed? Chair is awesome and love the idea of the tank in the bedroom. Yes, the cat was from the Adcocks...a long time ago. Do you remember Gene carrying you around?
Thanks Lisa! I'll let David know what you thought of the tank.
Mom - the quilt is your mother's (or it is your grandmother's). I usually have that in the living room. The tank is nice in the bedroom, except the filter buzzes. I don't remember Gene carrying me around but I really remember the cat. I loved that thing!
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