Besides working at the Wexner Center this summer, I've concentrated most of my effort at understanding how I fit into the Ohio Roller Girls. What better way to understand the difficulty of the questions I ask the interviewees of other women's organization then to turn the questions on myself. Asking myself what role I fill or how I want my fellow skaters to perceive me is harder to answer than, say asking myself what role I fill as a dancer in OSU's Department of Dance. I already have a feeling for what kind of dancer I am. After all, I've been dancing for more than twenty years now. In roller derby, however, I'm still trying to figure out the sport. The newness of my involvement leads me naturally to more questions, and after one year of skating, falling down, booty-blocking, getting hit by other skaters, etc. - I'm continually finding more questions to ask. My involvement in this sport spurs my inquisitive nature and that's just what I need as I travel to Washington state and Texas to interview other organizations as part of my Master's thesis project. Now that my commitment to the Wexner Center is completed, I have renewed energy and more time to devote to processing all this wonderful information swirling around in my head. I'm back to blogging and will be back tomorrow!
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