Thursday, July 23, 2009

This Week Has Been

.... a lesson in focussing my attention. While I only had the chance to see David for a couple of days, he left me my dear Pai and this has been wonderful. All of my attention, aside from going to work, has been on helping Pai adapt to becoming an urban dog. I walk her 30 min in the morning, 45 min after work and 20 min at night. During our afternoon walks I've been mixing it up by finding new places we can discover together. For example, we went to a really cool park quite a ways from Columbus (we drove there) and we got to walk around in a meadow and pick blackberries. They were yummy! We also discovered that the Dairy Queen in Grandview gives out doggie treats!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You both look excited to be out making new discoveries...what a pair!