Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Monkeys for Hand-cranked Projector

This is the first draft of Monkeys featuring Meredith Hurst and Joanna Reed from the Costa Rica group. Monkeys will project through one of the hand-cranked projectors. I chose this particular duet because of its movement qualities and the clarity of the movement with the thought that it would be ideal for audience interaction. I'm still questioning whether I really want it to be black and white with soft edges because it seems too obvious to pair up with an antique projector. Still, I really love black and white because it's a bit dreamy and maybe even a little more accessible because of it. Below are links to influences for the treatment of Monkeys:

Lumiere Brothers - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nj0vEO4Q6s

Here's an interesting study on black and white film for modern movies:

And for some reason, I could help but think of rare footage of modern dance:

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