David and I had a great dinner with Lisa and Victoria at Francisco's. This Henderson restaurant is pretty good. Wish I had gone there more often. The company was excellent too! This mother/daughter team always have such interesting conversation topics from Road Kill Collecting Granddad stories to ethereal Sky Lanterns and Fireworks for a graduation.
Had lunch with the first work-related friend I made in East Texas, Vicki Lopez. She's a great friend. She made sure to bring me Whoppers and jelly beans for my going away gift (not that she needed to bring me a gift, but it was really cool!).
Had lunch with the first work-related friend I made in East Texas, Vicki Lopez. She's a great friend. She made sure to bring me Whoppers and jelly beans for my going away gift (not that she needed to bring me a gift, but it was really cool!).
In the evening, David and I met with our real estate agent. We now have a contract with a contingency clause.
Had lunch with Ange who used to be my personal trainer. Oh the things we could have accomplished if I had had the money and time to see her more often. Still, she trained me to think more positively, and that has seemed to have stuck. I've enjoyed getting to know her better!
At 4:15 I had an eye appointment - i'm officially old. I've been prescribed readers. I'm going to look at it as a good excuse to get another cool pair of glasses!
At 5:30 Cindi Rains came over to settle up for the dates that I subbed her classes. We sat on the porch and talked about outrageous schedules, dance, the business of having businesses, websites, real estate and Faith's artwork and my hopes that she'll move out of East Texas and on to bigger places.
At 4:15 I had an eye appointment - i'm officially old. I've been prescribed readers. I'm going to look at it as a good excuse to get another cool pair of glasses!
At 5:30 Cindi Rains came over to settle up for the dates that I subbed her classes. We sat on the porch and talked about outrageous schedules, dance, the business of having businesses, websites, real estate and Faith's artwork and my hopes that she'll move out of East Texas and on to bigger places.
Once David got home, we sent in our counteroffer to the real estate agent.
June 5th was David's last day at CHISD. We celebrated with a modest soup and salad for a late lunch. We receive a call from the real estate agent about the next counteroffer and we countered that offer. The agent also arranged another showing Saturday morning for someone new.
The dinner with the Freemans was called off - Scott was sick. David wasn't feeling well either, so I guess it was best. This gave me time to sign up for OSU's health insurance and enroll in my very first grad school classes. Very exciting! I can't wait to get my trapper keeper!
We finished off the evening cracking up to "Step Brothers." Some pretty raunchy humor - but I still thought it was funny and it was just what I needed.
We got up early and cleaned the house for the showing. About 30 minutes before the showing the agent called to say the showing was cancelled. But he also said that the previous couple accepted our counteroffer. Their contract is contingent upon them selling their house and it seems as though they now have a contract on their house, so maybe we'll get our house sold!
We took the dogs for a quick walk because Spenser turned 13 today!!!!
I went into Tyler and got my hair cut and colored. I finally took care of all that gray! I feel 5 years younger. David met me afterwards in Tyler. From there we drove about 3 hours to Melissa, Texas for my 2nd cousin's graduation party. We got back a little after midnight at which point we realized we forgot to stop back by Tyler to pick up his truck!
Slept till almost 10am!!! (If you don't count taking the dogs out in my sleep around 7am.) After finally rolling out of bed, David and I headed back to Tyler to fetch his truck. As I was driving back to Henderson alone, thinking about all the food I wanted to eat, my dad called me. Apparently, since I wasn't at the family reunion with him this weekend, he volunteered me to help with a Lafferty Family website. I think there are other people wanting to do this, so maybe they really just want to do this themselves. Whichever. I know I can only do what I have time to do.... Bring it on!
Victoria and I are so glad we got to spend some time with you and David before you move to Ohio. Let's clarify that the road kill was for science projects...not human consumption.
Lots of input and lots going on in your world. Hard to see your hair color, but nice cut. Here's hoping you learn about those people's closing date on their house and can set your own. Hope you have a slower week. Love from Mom.
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